Grey's Anatomy Review : And The Beat Goes On ... - Oh, George O'Malley. It seems eternity ago that called 007 and cardiac repair in the elevator. Your mother in the hospital of spontaneous joy, and it was very good. So waste of time says, preparing to watch "Heart-Shaped Box". This episode brought on the heart strings the easiest way, but there are some light moments of fun. Let's start there ... Plastics group. A word. Loud and fun. Avery Sloan character and actually find the basis that I was happy to see. They provide some laughter in the last installment of the series. Derek Sloan and Alex talk a bit silly, but the composition of the landscape in children can be perfect. This love triangle will certainly continue after Jackson began Lexie to curb. Sender is in the air about it. Many think that Lexie did not adult, not worth much, blah, blah. Personally, I think he is the luckiest girl in the program. But now she finds herself alone. It's time for Ja...